Residential Painting Services Columbus Ohio
The Trusted Painting Company in Columbus
Interior and Exterior Painting
We believe in setting new standards in the painting industry. Your home deserves the best, and we don’t cut any corners when we paint your house. We have knowledge when it comes to the right colors, the best techniques, and years of experience.
Residential Painters with Experience
We are the painting team with a track record of success in the Columbus area. We ensure that each painting project goes smoothly with our proven methods and systems of painting that meet the highest quality standards. Each job has an assigned Crew Leader, and they meet with you on the first day before any painting work is done to make sure every question you may have is answered. During your painting project, whether it is exterior painting or interior painting, we review the progress and put your mind at ease that your job will get done on time. Once we have finished our painting, we give you a two-year guarantee on our painting work because we believe in the work we do and back it up with that guarantee.
Our Ohio Residential
Painting Services
Our painting team is the premier residential painting company in the Columbus Ohio area. Since 1991, we’ve helped homeowners achieve the home of their dreams through superior house painting services for interior and exterior spaces.
A Solution for Every Need
Home Interior Painting
We are proud to be from the Columbus Ohio area. We started here and will always be serving the homes in this community.. When we started this company we had a clear mission: to provide the highest quality painting services, whether they be exterior painting or interior painting, and to make each homeowner realize the home of their dreams. From the beginning, we focused on providing honest, high-quality work. We don’t believe in over-priced quotes or cutting corners. All of the work we provide is backed by guarantees, so you can be sure you’re getting the best. Experience the Classic Painting difference!
Kitchen Cabinet Painting
Exterior Painting
The Classic Painting Difference
Our painters provide the best in exterior and interior painting services for Columbus Ohio homes. We take a custom approach to each painting project and our painters all have years of experience in all facets of residential painting. Your home’s paint should be the best, and that’s where we come in. Ready to get started? Learn more about the Classic Painting difference here and get your free estimate.